
Contraception Counselling

Dr Brooke O’Brien can talk to you about your personal needs with contraception. There are many different options available that can be temporary or a permanent solution.



Women have a number of safe and reliable options for their contraception needs. Dr Brooke O'Brien can counsel you on your options with an aim of individualised care, considering your personal preferences and your medical history.

Whether it's a permanent solution or a temporary one, there are many options.

Options for Temporary Contraception

Oral Contraceptive Pill

Combined Oral Contraception Pill (COCP)

Slinda (Drospirenone) is a Progesterone only contraceptive Pill. It is now available here in Australia since 2021 and is a very safe and effective option for women who have a medical condition where they cannot take estrogen continuing medications, such as smokers, a history of migraines, DVT, or high blood pressure.
Also, many women who take Slinda will have a reduction in their menstrual flow, with up to 50% of women experiencing minimal or only light bleeding after 12 months of taking Slinda.

Contraceptive Implant


The Implanon is a common product that women will use where their GP will insert a rod into your arm. It contains progesterone and will last for 3 years.

Contraceptive Injection


The contraceptive injection called Depo-Provera or commonly known as "Depo" is an injection that works for 12 weeks. There are some advantages and disadvantages to this method and one you should discuss carefully. Generally your GP can guide you through this part.

Intra-Uterine Devices (IUDs)

Mirena, Kyleena and Copper IUD

Dr Brooke O'Brien is experienced in the insertion of all IUDs. They are a very common request for patients to have this done at our clinic. IUDs are highly effective with efficacy of over 99%. The most common options can last for 5 years, however can be removed sooner if desired. Some other advantages are;

  • Lasts for up to 5 years
  • IUDs don't stop you ovulating, so a return to fertility is restored soon after the device is removed
  • The Mirena and Kyleena IUDs are a progesterone IUD which is associated with less heavy and painful periods
  • The dose of progesterone with the Mirena and Kyleena is very low, so side effects are significantly less common than with oral or injectable options

If you have any concerns regarding the process of insertion, there are several options we can provide to you to reduce anxiety and discomfort

Options for Permanent Contraception

If you are certain you have finished your family and would like a permanent contraception option, this must be counselled through with Dr Brooke O'Brien on your options as they will be a surgical option.

  • Tubal Ligation - or more commonly know as "tubes tied"
  • Laparoscopic Bilateral Salpingectomy (removal of the tubes) - this option is very similar to the above, however instead the tubes are removed which reduces the risk to ovarian cancer.
  • Hysterectomy

Frequently Asked Questions

Contraception counselling at Nurture Gynaecology is a safe and supportive session where you can gain a wide variety of information on contraceptive methods based on your specific needs, medical history and lifestyle. Our expert guidance can help you choose, discontinue or switch a contraceptive method, so you can make an informed choice.

The main benefit of contraception is your ability to have better autonomy of your body and overall health. Starting a contraceptive method can be useful for other types of treatment outside usual use cases, like minimising unplanned pregnancies. Taking control of your reproductive health can allow you to regulate your ovulation and menstrual cycles, reducing period pain and heavy blood flow or preventing your period entirely if necessary for your lifestyle and physical abilities.

Everyone! There is often a lack of education about women's health, so it is more crucial than ever to see a gynaecological professional to better understand your body, health and contraceptive options. Our principal gynaecologist Dr Brooke O'Brien is experienced in all areas of gynaecology and is among a few recognised Australian specialists in paediatric and adolescent gynaecology.

Contraception counselling can be an important first step toward better hormonal or reproductive health. Gynaecologists can advise you on the most convenient and suitable contraceptive method for your needs and lifestyle.

With a referral from your GP, our friendly team can organise an initial consultation where most of your questions will be answered. Your level of counselling and number of visits will vary depending on how much you already know about your options and whether you plan on a temporary or permanent method of contraception.

Dr Brooke O'Brien, our specialist gynaecologist, offers initial consultations if you want to explore different contraception methods. In addition, if you have been referred by a GP or have already decided on your preferred method, you can book an immediate appointment.

Women's Health Clinic - Brisbane Northside

Please discuss your concerns and options for treatment with Dr Brooke O'Brien.
To find out more about the services we offer or to book an appointment, contact us today for a confidential discussion.

Book Your Contraception Appointment Online

Contact Us

At Nurture Gynaecology, Dr Brooke O’Brien and her women's health team value every single patient. Our practice is located in Everton Park, on the northside of Brisbane.

Contact us today to book your gynaecologist appointment with Dr Brooke O’Brien.