
Uterine Polyps Treatment

Uterine polyps are quite a common condition that Dr Brooke O'Brien can treat you for.  Read below to learn more about the different types of polyps and what can be done for treatment.



Uterine Polyps are the most common causes of abnormal bleeding in both pre and post menopausal women.

If you have been told you have a uterine polyp it is most likely to be benign, especially if you haven't gone through menopause yet and you don't have any other risk factors. If you are post menopausal, approximately 10% of the time, an endometrial polyp could be pre cancerous or have cancerous changes. Read below for more information.

Endometrial Polyps

What are Endometrial Polyps?

Endometrial polyps are a localised overgrowth of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus). single or multiple polyps may occur and range in size from a few millimetres to several centimeters.


Symptoms of Endometrial Polyps

You can experience different types of symptoms with endometrial polyps. Some of these may be:

  • Heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding
  • Bleeding in between your periods, called "Inter-menstrual bleeding"
  • Bleeding after intercourse
  • Post-menopausal bleeding (bleeding after your periods have ended).


Treatment of Endometrial Polyps

If your endometrial polyp is causing you any of the above problems, then treatment may be required.

After your consult with Dr Brooke O'Brien, she would recommended treatment and management in the form of a, Hysteroscopy and removal of Polyp. During this procedure Dr O'Brien will use a thin telescope called a hysteroscope is used to examine inside your uterus. Your polyp is then removed, and the hysteroscope is used to check that it has been completely removed. A small sample (biopsy) of your uterine lining is usually also taken. The polyp and endometrial biopsy is sent off to pathology for examination.

Your Hysteroscopyis performed under a light general anaesthetic in hospital as a day case procedure. You should be able to leave the hospital 2-4 hours after your procedure. Generally you can return to normal light duties in 24 hours. A follow up appointment with Dr Brooke O'Brien in our clinic will be organised to discuss the findings and results of your biopsy and pathology.

Endometrial Polyp Treatment - Dr Brooke O'Brien

If you have been diagnosed with a uterine polyp, please contact us to discuss your concerns and options for treatment with Dr Brooke O'Brien.
To find out more about the service we offer or to book an appointment, contact us today for a confidential discussion.

Book Your Polyp Treatment Appointment Online

Contact Us

At Nurture Gynaecology, Dr Brooke O’Brien and her women's health team value every single patient. Our practice is located in Everton Park, on the northside of Brisbane.

Contact us today to book your gynaecologist appointment with Dr Brooke O’Brien.